Lymph (Node Swelling) - Inflammation, Infections
Definition of lymph node
Lymph node-is an important component of the body's immune system and helps in fighting infections.
They are the structures are small, soft, round or oval are found throughout the body and relate to each other in chain-like model (lymphatic chains) by canals similar to blood vessels. Each individual lymph nodes enveloped by a capsule formed from connective tissue.
Inside the capsule, lymph node-containing certain types of immune cells. These cells are predominantly lymphocytes, which produce proteins that capture and combat viruses and other microbes, and macrophages, which destroy and remove the captured material.
Locations lymph node
Lymph node-located throughout the body. Some are directly under the skin where the others are in the body. Lymph node-even the most superficial (close to the skin) is usually not visible or palpable (felt by touch), unless they are swollen or enlarged to some causes.
They are connected to each other by the lymphatic vessels are bound to loose. Lymph node, usually joined at the different areas inside the body where they are responsible for filtering the blood and carry out their immunological function for that particular area of the body. Fluid of the lymphatic vessels into the venous system eventually (the veins) in the body.
Causes of Swollen lymph nodes
There is ample causes for node-swollen lymph nodes, sometimes referred to as "swollen glands" or "swollen glands" (lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis). In general, lymph, lymph nodes swell when they actively caused by an infection, inflammation, or cancer.Infections
Infections are the causes of the most common of the node, swollen lymph nodes. Infectious causes of the common-node swollen lymph node is a virus, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.
* Infectious mononucleosis (mono),* Chickenpox,* Measles,* HIV,* Herpes,* Common cold viruses,* Adenovirus, and* Many other viruses
* Streptococcus,* Staphylococcus,* Cat scratch disease,* Syphilis,* Tuberculosis,* Chlamydia, and* Other sexual diseases are transmitted
* Toxoplasmosis,* Leshmaniasis
* Coccidiomycosis,* Histoplamosis
Causes are inflammation and imunoligik of node-swollen lymph node includes diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as sensitivity to some drugs.
Corpulent cancers can also cause swelling of lymph-node. This is probably the cancers that originate from the lymph-lymph nodes or blood cells such as lymphomas and leukemias. They may also be cancer-that spread from other organs in the body (metastatic cancers). For example, breast cancer may spread to the lymph, lymph node nearest the axilla (under arm), or lung cancer may spread to the lymph, lymph nodes around the collarbone.
Other causes of Swollen lymph nodes
There are other causes are less common than lymph-node swelling, such as genetic diseases of lipid storage (genetic lipid storage diseases), transplant rejection, graft rejection (transplant graft rejections), sarcoidosis, and many other conditions.
It is also important to mention that the node-swollen lymph node is not always a sign of an underlying disease. Sometimes they can be normal. For example, lymph node, small (less than 1 centimeter), and flat under the jaw (submandibular lymph nodes) in healthy children and young adults lymph nodes or lymph-groin (inguinal lymph nodes) is small (up to with 2 centimeters) in young individuals may be normal.
In many instances, a definitive cause for the node-swollen lymph node may not be determined even after conducting a thorough examination and testing.Symptoms Swollen lymph nodes
The symptoms from the nodes, swollen lymph nodes varies widely. A person can be completely free of symptoms (asymptomatic) and only found when they were recorded by a doctor during a general physical examination.
Occasionally, nodes, swollen lymph nodes may become very sensitive, painful, and vilify.
More importantly, other symptoms associated with an underlying disease that accompany swelling of the lymph node may be more significant and clinically relevant than the lymph node swelling alone. For example, symptoms such as fever, night sweats, weight loss, or evidence of local infections (toothache, sore throat) may provide valuable clues in determining the cause of swelling of the lymph node.
Diagnosing Swollen lymph nodes
Nodes-the swollen lymph nodes that are closer to the surface of the body is generally diagnosed by a doctor's examination and feel the areas that are known to have a federation of node-lymph node, for example, node-swollen lymph nodes under the arms (axillary lymph nodes) , node-swollen lymph node on the sides of the neck (cervical lymph nodes), or node, lymph node swelling in the groin (inguinal lymph nodes). Swollen lymph-nodes that can be easily seen and felt.
Other times, lymph, lymph node deeper can be seen on imaging studies, such as CT scan (computed tomography), from the body parts are different.
Tonsil-tonsils behind the throat are also lymph-lymph node, and they are one of the most visible in the body.
Diagnosing the cause of node-swollen lymph node may be challenging at times. The most important component of evaluating lymph node swelling is a whole medical history and a complete physical examination by a physician. Your doctor may ask you about your symptoms such as sore throat, fever and chills, fatigue, weight loss, a complete list of drugs, sexual activity, history of vaccination, the trips recently, the history of the patient's cancer himself and his family, if any, and so on.
A group of nodes, lymph nodes in a particular area of the body reacts to the disturbances in that general area. If there is a specific infection in the area of the swollen lymph node, it is probably the most likely cause of the swelling. For example, an infection of the feet or a few diseases that are transmitted sexually can cause swelling of the lymph, lymph nodes in the groin area.
Doctors usually test the lymph node-by feeling them and classify them based on what it's like-lymph node. They can be classified, for example, as:
* Large or small,* Sensitive or insensitive,* Settling or moving (mobile),* Hard or soft, or* Solid or elastic.
These characteristics can be useful in suggesting the cause of swelling of the lymph node. For example, a lymph node is hard, insensitive, no move is probably more characteristic of a cancer that spreads to the lymph it. On the other hand, a lymph node that soft, sensitive, able to move can be more likely to represent an infection.
If the enlarged lymph nodes associated with a cancer is suspected, then a biopsy of the lymph node may determine the type of cancer. For example, a lymph node swelling around the collarbone (supraclavicular lymph nodes), may indicate lung cancer in someone who may have other clinical clues that suggest lung cancer.Treating Swollen lymph nodes
There is no specific treatment for node-swollen lymph node. Generally, the underlying cause needs to be treated, which may result in resolution of a swollen lymph node.
Treating an infection that causes swelling of the lymph node, for example, will result in the lymph node swelling which will subside. If lymph nodes are swollen due to a cancer of the lymph nodes (lymphoma), then the swelling will recede after treatment of lymphoma.
When I should be visiting the doctor for swollen lymph nodes?
If the swollen lymph nodes, associated with fevers, night sweats, or weight loss, and patients do not have any real infection, he may need a thorough evaluation by a physician.
Also, people who have been treated appropriately for an infection but have swollen lymph nodes-which persistent / persistent may need to visit a doctor.
If a patient has a cancer known, or been treated for a past and he note lymph nodes-new in the general area of cancer, she may need to tell a doctor.
Lymph-nodes may swell lymph Commercial
There are many lymph node-adults in various parts of the body may swell for different reasons. Many people can usually view-node swollen lymph nodes in the neck, behind ears, under the jaw, above the clavicle (collar bone), under the arms, and around the groin.
Node-swollen lymph node on the side of the neck or under the jaw is the most common. They may represent an infection around the area, such as a tooth infection or ulcers, throat infections, viral diseases, or upper respiratory tract infections. Most of the cause-node-Causes of swollen lymph nodes in this area is not dangerous; however, occasionally, swelling of the lymph, lymph nodes may also suggest a cancer in the head and neck area.
Nodes-the swollen lymph nodes behind the ear may be associated with an infection around the scalp or the possibility of a conjunctival (eye) infection.
Lymph-lymph node under the arm (axilla) is anatomically important in breast cancer. They are often physically tested in patients who underwent screening for breast cancer. They also play an important role in the pen-stadium (determining the extent) and predict outcome of breast cancer during the removal of tissue from breast cancer. Lymph-node can also be reactive and enlarged due to a trauma or an infection of the arm on the same side.
Node-enlarged lymph nodes above the collarbone (supraclavicular lymphadenopathy) are always considered abnormal. It generally suggests a cancer or an infection from an adjacent area. Examples of this might include lung infections, lung cancer, lymphoma in the chest cavity, or breast cancer. Sometimes cancers that may sow the seeds of further lymph-lymph nodes, such as genital cancers or colon cancer. Some of the causes that are not dangerous from the node-swollen lymph nodes above the collarbone (clavicle) can include tuberculosis or sarcoidosis.
Nodes-the swollen lymph nodes in the groin may be normal in young people as it is called early. However, they can also result from several diseases that are transmitted sexually, genital cancers, or infections of the feet on the same side.
What are the complications Swollen lymph nodes
Maybe there are some complications associated with the node-enlarged lymph node. If the swelling of lymph nodes associated with an untreated infection, an abscess (a cavity containing pus) may occur, which may require drainage through the incision and antibiotics. The skin underlying the enlarged lymph nodes may also become infected.
In other cases, the lymph nodes may become very large and suppress other structures adjacent to the body. This can be a serious and horrible problem that may require medical attention or surgery immediately. For example, the lymph nodes under the arm (axilla) can suppress the blood vessels and nerves that supply the arm. An enlarged lymph node in the stomach may push the intestines and cause an obstruction / hindrance of the intestines.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Lymph (Node Swelling) - Inflammation, Infections
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