Brain Cancer - Sign and Symptoms
Definition of Brain Cancer
Brain cancer is a disease of the brain where cancer cells (dangerous) grown in brain tissue. Cancer cells grow to form a mass of cancerous tissue (tumor) that interferes with brain tissue functions such as muscle control, sensation, memory, and bodily functions normal. Tumors composed of cancerous cells called tumors danger (malignant), and which consists of cells that are not cancer (noncancerous) are called benign tumors (benign). Cancer cells that develop from brain tissue are called primary brain tumors. Those statistics suggest that brain cancer is not uncommon and the possibility of developing in approximately 20,000 people per year.The definition of metastatic brain cancer
Cancer cells that develop in organs like the lungs (the primary cancer tissue type) can go to other body organs like the brain. Tumors formed by cancer cells as it is spread (metastasize) to other organs are called metastatic tumors. Metastatic brain cancer is the mass of cells (tumor) that originated from other organs and has spread into the brain tissue. Metastatic tumors in the brain are more common than primary brain tumors. Causes of Brain Cancer
Primary brain tumors arise from many types of brain tissue (eg, glial cells, astrocytes, and brain cell types other). Metastatic brain cancer is caused by the spread of cancer cells from body organs to the brain. However, the causes for the change of normal cells into cancer cells in both tumor-metastatic and primary tumors are not completely understood. Data collected by scientists showed that people with certain risk factors (situations or things associated with people that increase the likelihood of developing problems) are more likely to develop brain cancer. Individuals with risk factors such as having a job at an oil refinery, such as chemists, people who embalm, or rubber industry worker show brain cancer rates are higher. Some families have several members with brain cancer, but heredity as a cause for brain tumors has not been proven. Other risk factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, and viral infections (HIV) has been suggested but not proven to cause brain cancer. There is no strong evidence that brain cancer is contagious, caused by head trauma, or caused by the use of phone (cell phone).
Symptoms Of Brain Cancer
The symptoms are the most common of brain cancer are weakness, difficulty walking, seizures, and headaches. Other common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, or changes in a person's alertness, mental capacity, memory, speech, or personality. These symptoms may also occur in people who do not have brain cancer, and none of these symptoms alone or in combination can predict that someone had brain cancer. Cancers of the brain that produce a little bit or no symptoms. Tests Used To Diagnose Brain Cancer
Initial tests are interviews (interviews) and a physical examination by a doctor than a competent person (able). The results of these interactions will determine whether other specific tests need to be done.
The most commonly used test to detect brain cancer is the CAT scan (computed tomography or CT automated). This test is a series of x-rays and painless, although sometimes dye (dye) should be injected into a vein for pictures better than the internal structures of the brain. Another test gaining popularity because of the high sensitivity for detecting anatomic changes in the brain is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This test is also a series of x-rays and shows the brain structures in detail better than CT. MRI is not available covering such as CT scanning. If the tests show evidence (tumors or abnormalities in brain tissue) of brain cancer, then other doctors such as surgeons nerve, nerve experts who specialize in treating brain diseases will be consulted to help determine what should be done to treat the patient. Other tests . May be ordered by doctors to help determine the health status of patients or to detect other health problems.
Treatment For Brain Cancer
The treatment plan is made individually for each patient's brain cancer. The treatment plan is built by physicians who specialize in brain cancer, and treatments vary widely depending on the type of cancer, brain location, tumor size, patient age and general health conditions of patients. The main part of the plan is also determined by the will-the will of the patient. Patients should discuss the options (choices) treatment with their doctors.
Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the main treatment categories for most brain cancers. Individual treatment plans often include a combination of these treatments. Therapeutic surgery trying to remove the tumor by cutting out of the normal brain tissue. Radiation therapy to try to destroy tumor cells using high energy radiation which is focused on the tumor. Chemotherapy attempts to destroy tumor cells using chemicals (drugs) that are designed to destroy specific types of cancer cells. All treatments to try to not damage the cells of normal brain.
Other treatments that may be part of some treatment plans may include hyperthermia (heat treatments), immunotherapy (immune cells directed to kill the types of specific cancer cells), or steroids to reduce inflammation and swelling of the brain. Clinical trials (treatment plans designed by scientists to try chemicals or new methods on patients) can be another way for patients to obtain treatment specifically for their cancer cell type.
The best treatment for brain cancer is designed by a team of cancer specialists in relation to the will-the will of the patient.
Side Effects Of Brain Cancer Treatment
Side effects of brain cancer treatment varies with the plan of care and patient. Most treatment plans try to maintain the side effects to a minimum. For some patients, side effects of brain cancer treatment can be severe. Care plans should include a discussion of side effects and potentially allow them to develop, so patients and their care-givers (family, friends) can make decisions appropriate treatment in connection with their medical team. Also, if side effects develop, the patient has some knowledge of what to do about them such as when to take certain medicines or when to call their physicians to report health changes.
Side effects include an increase in operating symptoms are present, damage to normal tissue scrambled, brain swelling and seizures. Other changes in brain functions such as muscle weakness, mental changes, and reduction in all brain-controlled function can occur. Combination of these side effects may occur. The side effects most apparent immediately after surgery, but often diminish with time. Occasionally, side effects are not reduced.
Chemotherapy usually affects (kills) cancer cells that are growing quickly but can also affect normal tissue. Chemotherapy is usually given intravenously so the drugs can reach most body organs. Common side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and loss of energy. The immune system is often suppressed by chemotherapy, which resulted in high sensitivity to infections. Other systems, such as the kidneys and reproductive organs, may also be damaged by chemotherapy. Most of the side effects diminished over time, but some may not.
Radiation therapy has most of the side effects are the same as chemotherapy. Most of the radiation therapy is focused on brain cancer tissue, so some systems do not receive direct radiation (the immune system, kidneys, etc.). Effects on systems that do not receive direct radiation is usually not as severe as that seen with chemotherapy. However, hair and skin are usually affected, resulting in hair loss (sometimes permanently) and reddish and darkened skin that needs protection from the sun.
The Prognosis Of Brain Cancer Treated
The survival of brain cancer who are treated varies by cancer type, location, and age and overall health of the patient. In general, most treatment plans rarely result in healing. Survival of greater than five years, which are considered as long-term survival, is less than 10% no matter what treatment plan is used.
So, why use any treatment plan? Without treatment, brain cancers are usually aggressive and result in death within a short span of time. Plans of care can prolong survival and may improve patient quality of life for some time. Again, patient-care givers and providers should discuss their prognosis when deciding on treatment plans.
What Can I Do To Help My Family (And I) I Overcome Brain Cancer Diagnosis
Discuss your concerns-concerns openly with your doctors and family members. It is common for patients with brain cancer to worry about how they can continue to run their lives as normally as possible; is also common for them to be afraid, depressed, and angry. Most peoples cope better if they discuss the concerns and their feelings. Although some patients can do this with friends and relatives, others find comfort (Solace) in support groups (those who have brain cancer and is willing to discuss their experiences with patients other) is composed of people who have experienced situations and similar feelings. Patient care team of doctors must be capable of connecting patients with support groups.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Brain Cancer - Sign and Symptoms
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