Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lempuyang Overcome Sore Throat

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Lempuyang the size of a thumb that dikeprek or digepuk then boiled and then drink the water proved to be beneficial. Strep throat is a frequent stopover did not dare to appear again. Children were free to enjoy ice cream again.

The only concern Bu Lastri, when his son should enter at a high school dormitory is a sore throat that often interfere. If the durability of the child is less good, such as being tired because of many activities, just a little drink of water ice would immediately inflamed throat.

At such times, the tonsils will be swollen, red throat, and pain when used for swallowing. "If it were so, should immediately ask for antibiotics so as not to deteriorate," said Mrs. Lastri.

Yeah, right. Less than four months in the dormitory, the son of Mrs. Lastri been exposed to strep throat twice. Although some practical recipes, such as gargling salt water, have been tried, it still should be given antibiotics to cure it. "Many have suggested that tonsillectomy is not impaired repeatedly come," said Mrs. Lastri.

That afternoon Mrs. Lastri intends to bring his son to the doctor for strep throat again attacked. While waiting for the opening hours of practice after pick up his son from the hostel, Lastri Bu Bu Hadi stop by the house, his friend through high school. "Wualaaaah ..., if only given a strep throat just mbok lempuyang. Ndak need antibiotics, "said Bu Hadi welcomed and responded to the narrative of his friend.

According to Bu Hadi, before he also had the same experience. Son and daughter repeatedly interrupted by a sore throat. Tired of spending antibiotics, he then asked her mother's advice, so comes word that originally lempuyang he had never seen the form and shape.

"Now my kids want to drink how much ice cream as well ndak problem," said Bu Hadi.

How to eat
Not too complicated to process lempuyang are easily obtainable in the market was so ready to be served as a drug. "Just take a piece lempuyang thumb-sized adults and digepuk or dikeprek, boiled with three glasses of water. Wait until the water is only one glass, then glek-glek, drink until they run out. Drinking boiled lempuyang it up to seven consecutive days. To add flavor, can mix one tablespoon of honey every time a drink, "said Bu Hadi.

Observing the advice that simple, direct Lastri Mom to try it. He did not feel the need to ask why lempuyangnya should digepuk or dikeprek and not cut into pieces or chopped until smooth. When the school holidays and children can stay out of the dorm, he made a drink with the recipe exactly as stated Bu Hadi. Then every day for seven days continuously he coaxed her to drink the cooking water lempuyang.

"Aha, to six months of this my child's throat at ease only. His nose is also not often incompressible. Whereas before, at least three months disorder strep throat that always come. Disorders that are often followed by mampatnya nose, making breathing too distracted, "said Mrs. Lastri.

In addition to advice for tonsillectomy, Bu Lastri also often hear the phrase entertainer if strep throat disorders as experienced by his son is actually going away on its own so his son was a teenager. However, Mrs. Lastri still worried because despite having entered high school, such disorders are still always come to her son.

He obtained a description, up to two months if the disturbance comes, inevitably the child's tonsils had to be operated. Therefore, he was already preparing to take his son to hospital for tonsillectomy prior to receipt of a prescription from Bu Hadi.

"Yes, let's hope it does not recur again as sons and daughters of Mrs. Hadi," said Mrs. Lastri.

Lempuyang emprit, Elephant, and Fragrant
Based on the literature, there are three types of plants lempuyang, namely lempuyang CVD (Zingiber amaricans L), lempuyang elephant (Zingiber zerumbert L.), and lempuyang fragrance (Zingiber aromaticum L.).

Lempuyang CVD and yellow elephants lempuyang taste bitter and empirically used to increase appetite. While lempuyang colored fragrant white (pale yellow), no bitter taste and smell more fragrant, often used as a component of herbal slimming.

In fact, many sellers simplicia less attention to it, so if you were just saying its kind sold lempuyang without knowing whether lempuyang scent or the other. However, from experience, for strep throat disorders as mentioned above, there are three types of lempuyang which proved to be beneficial to address them.

Leg Swelling and Itching
Lempuyang rhizome (Zingiber aromaticum) which, among other compounds containing zerumbon and limonene, does have many health benefits. Various studies, including from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Institute for Research and Technology, as well as the Hall-traditional medicinal plant research centers under the Ministry of Health, posted a record of usefulness lempuyang.

Here are a few:

Swollen feet after giving birth
Rhizome lempuyang washed and chili Java. Mash, give water, then squeeze the cloth. Drink water.

Lempuyang 3 / 4 fingers washed, and shredded. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water a little salt, then squeeze. Drink 2 times a day each 1 tablespoon.

Colic from cold
One rhizome lempuyang washed, and then burned. Add 1 / 2 finger turmeric, 3 rhizomes retrieval key, a piece of wood Ules, 5 fennel seeds, coriander grains 11, 11 grains of pepper perforated, 20 leaves of fresh poko. Boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half, strain. Drink 2 times a day, after lunch and dinner, each 1 / 2 cup.

Increase appetite
Lempuyang washed three fingers. Grated, then add 3 teaspoons of water. Drinking water grated 3 times a day each 1 teaspoon before meals.

A). Lempuyang washed three fingers, but do not peel. Grate give palm sugar, boiled in 3 cups water to a glass of water to live. Chill, drink well, repeat several times.
B). Two fingers lempuyang washed, crushed, boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half. Drink 2 times a day each 1 / 2 cup.

Seibu finger lempuyang washed, then grated. Give 1 / 2 cup water, wring it out, let it settle. Take the liquid to be taken once a day until healed.

Lempuyang mash the 2 finger rhizome that has been washed and peeled 3 shallots, add 1 / 2 cup, water, wring it out. Drink 2 times a day each 2 tablespoons.

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