Thursday, September 20, 2012

Clogged Salivary Gland Treatment

clogged salivary gland treatment

Salivary gland diseases. Salivary stones. Salivary gland cysts. (Retention cysts) Salivary gland diseases of the major salivary glands associated with swelling and pain under the tongue, on the lip, floor of the mouth or in front of the ear. They may be purely inflammatory nature such as mumps or by disorders of the salivary outflow on account of salivary stones. It relates to the major salivary glands, parotid and mandibular glands oral floor. The duct of the parotid gland stones are rare.''

Usually take the discomfort associated with the intake of food. The cause is inflammation of the pancreas, or blockage of the corresponding gland ductal by salivary stones. The treatment of inflammation is medically while the salivary stones should be removed surgically. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia (local anesthesia). In some cases, when the glandular tissue has been Severely damaged and a tumor is the cause, the diseased gland is removed.''


Not infrequently, Patients come to us who have discovered Themselves in a bubble-like swelling Usually in the lower lip mucosa. These are so-called retention cysts arising from the fact that flow of saliva from one of the numerous small glands in our mouth can not. Often the Patients have once "bitten on it" at this point. Due to this small injury can not the salivary flow. The gland produces more and created the bubble. By a minor operation under local anesthesia, we remove the cyst. This must be done very carefully, otherwise it is created anew. Let us examine the tissue in each case to confirm the diagnosis.''


Acute inflammation of the mouth / jaw area are Caused by pathogenic oral bacteria.''

Symptoms include severe pain, fever, and Often pronounced swelling in the facial area. If the lower jaw is concerned, it comes to trismus and difficulty in swallowing. May be infected teeth, gums, JAWBONE, salivary gland or facial soft tissue. Early surgical opening of the inflamed areas is Necessary in order to avoid serious Consequences for the rest of your body.''

Any concomitant treatment with antibiotics is Necessary. Following the decline in acute inflammation, treatment of the fire cause is essential. For example, if a wisdom tooth was the cause, it must be removed Usually.''

What to do with blood thinning or clotting disorders?

Many cardiovascular diseases and circulatory disorders can be treated with drugs that inhibit blood clotting. You love patient, dear patient should therefore be protected from unwanted blood clots and their life-threatening Often fatal Consequences.''

Even prophylactic when not vulnerable, for example aspirin in low doses is a common practice. (Even without a special arrangement with the family physician as self-medication).''

These drugs help to reduce the risk of thrombosis and infarction Significantly.''

Belong to this group of Patients:

* Patients after myocardial infarction.
* Patients who have a tendency to thrombosis.
* Patients with surgery on the heart valve.
* Patients had the by-pass operations.
* Patients with circulatory disorders.
* Patients with reduced blood flow to the brain.
* Sudden hearing loss patients.
Before major surgery, these medications (eg, warfarin, aspirin) will be discontinued if possible. Simple surgical procedures, such as tooth extractions are Usually made in spite of these drugs. A check of the coagulation with current INR or Quick values ​​must be present.''

Are major surgery before, must, after consultation with the family doctor or internist, and only if there's consent, sold blood thinning medication and possibly other (heparin) may be prescribed. Generally, you can take any other medications your GP or further if we jointly otherwise expressly set for you.''

Treatment of Patients at Risk

The dental surgical treatment of Patients with severe systemic diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc..) Require special Precautions. Your dentist refers you Because of your general disease to treat in our professional practice. He would thus avoid possible Complications, roomates are fortunately rare in your disease, in his practice. The professional practice "KehrerJeggle" Specializes in treatment of such cases. For your safety monitoring equipment for controlling cardiovascular functions are used. Which helps to identify Emergencies in time and immediately initiate effective countermeasures.''

In particularly serious cases, for an anesthesia doctor is consulted. The collaboration with the Backnanger hospital in the form of stationary treatment is possiblef In severe heart disease, are the right choice of local anesthetic and the constant monitoring of cardiovascular conditions (monitoring) is of great importance.''

Patients with bleeding disorders need after surgery, such as tooth extractions, a special surgical technique and postoperative care to Prevent bleeding. Your "KehrerJeggle" medical team is trained to recognize the hazards into perspective and to take Necessary action.''

Wisdom teeth

With over 70% of the population of the jaw is too small for the wisdom teeth. Pain, inflammation and tooth displacements are common Consequences. Today, early removal is therefore a standard procedure. Aged 14-20 years, your dentist or orthodontist will point out that too little space is available in the jaw and will pay you a referral to the specialist practice of Oral Surgery> KehrerJeggle <. Often this decision is determined after completion of orthodontic treatment. Specialized Dentists are specially trained in oral surgery and deep in the jaw (shifted) to remove wisdom teeth lying Painless and safe. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation problems (deep sleep process) or general anesthesia. With expert implementation and follow the previously dreaded discomfort after the procedure is minimal.'' Today, the early removal of the germectomy, a standard procedure. Wisdom teeth, According to the clinical and radiographic examination have no chance to be employed in the dental arch, should be removed to avoid Complications.''  

When is the best time?

To minimize the risk of the procedure is the best time to remove the age between 15 to 19 years indicated, Because The healing potential is greatest.''

What can happen if wisdom teeth are left anyway?

The rate of Complications increases with age! Specifically, inflammation, ulceration, cysts, removal of roots of adjacent teeth, unexplained pain findings and the development of periodontal bacteria (stove events) in the gum pockets are Mentioned.''

As the treatment is Carried out in practice "KehrerJeggle"?

The treatment can be performed under local Often anesthesia (in collaboration with our team of anesthesia general anesthesia) performed in the operating theaters of our professional practice and gently Easily combined with conscious sedation (local anesthetic and deep sleep process) or general anesthesia. Even over the phone registration by you personally or by your dentist, you can choose roomates method should be used. You should definitely bring to the day of surgery by another person in our clinic and can pick up. Please do not forget, if appropriate radiographs were made by your dentist or orthodontist, bring this treatment. Please help us by bring all the Necessary documents such as GP address (phone) and prescription medications, etc. for treating allergy pass.''


Treatment changes in buccal and mandibular.

Inflammatory disorders, benign and malignant tumors can cause permanent damage to the mucosa of the mouth and jaw. Not infrequently, they are preparing for a long time with little or no discomfort. The change of the mouth and gums and the bone should always be checked and treated. The delay did not help but it was painful. Clarification of what is behind the change is important and takes away the worry that we carry around with us is often not necessary. Fortunately, in many cases turned out to be harmless to the findings. For your health, you have decided that you have them with us for investigation. After a thorough clinical examination, we will discuss with you whether it is necessary to remove a tissue sample. We can restrict ourselves to the drugs given and waited to see if the change is decreased. If we decide together to get a tissue sample, it will be sent to an institution for histological examination. After the result will be, if necessary, treatment steps further with you and your family doctor may jointly discussed and set. The test results will be sent to the referring physician in writing or discussed with you in person at post-treatment.''

The following applies: Diagnosis and treatment of the disease should be possible in the early stages. So that we can help with an early helps protect you from serious complications.''

That meets the technical requirements for oral surgery?

Dentists specifically for oral surgeon is a dentist who had a degree in dental disease, oral and maxillofacial completed a 4-year training in the field of dental surgery and special. Based on many years of specialized training for qualified educational facilities that provide outpatient and inpatient surgical procedures and daily exercise even harder, you get a huge patient safety during treatment.''

In many surgical procedures in the mouth / jaw, it is important to not forget the dental evidence.''

This is especially true in the field of implant dentistry.

Here is to the optimal treatment results extremely important that not only the perfect implants anchored in the bone, but it is also designed to work in a team with dentists and dental technicians dental technology adequate and can be made later by dentists and master lab. Because of your involvement in dentistry experience and training, oral surgeons suitable to a certain degree. The team of the clinic "KehrerJeggle" ready for you in the care and long experience gained by ongoing training contributes to treatment outcome findings optimal.''


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