Friday, April 27, 2012

Neck Pain - Causes and Informations

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Neck Pain - Causes and Information
Neck pain (neck pain) is a symptom caused by the pressure (stress) on the soft tissues, bones, or joints of the cervical spine (cervical spine) or adjacent structures. In some cases, neck pain may nevertheless result of underlying diseases on the neck or other parts of the body.
The neck is an area of ​​the spine (spine) are the most flexible. It also supports (supporting) the weight of the head. However, is sensitive to the stout neck injuries and diseases that potentially produce pain and restrict movement.
Various factors can contribute to neck pain, including poor posture, trauma and degenerative diseases. The sources of pain include the neck of fractures to meningitis to osteoarthritis to polymyalgia rheumatica to whiplash.
In most cases, neck pain can be treated at home using free prescription drugs, heat therapy, cold therapy and rest. However, pain that can not be disappeared in the two weeks requiring a doctor's attention. Prescription medications, physical therapy, maniulasi therapy and other treatments can cure the vast majority of cases involving neck pain. In rare cases, surgery may be needed.About Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common medical condition that can result from many types of stress. Poor posture, accidents, injuries and degenerative diseases may all responsible for causing pain in the neck of a person. In other cases, underlying diseases, such as fibromyalgia, may cause neck pain. Rarely, infection cover the brain can cause neck pain.
The neck is composed of seven bones called vertebrae which begin in the upper torso and end at the base of the skull. Other features of the neck including muscles, tendons, ligaments, facet joints, nerves and discs (discs) intervetebral that absorbs the shock that separates the vertebrae.
Vertebrae of the cervical spine in the neck up. The bony vertebrae and the ligaments of the neck provide stability to the spine, and muscles to allow support (buffering) and movement. Nerves in the neck also spread down into the arms.
The neck allows a greater degree of movement and the head, which can weigh up to 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms). However, the neck is also sensitive to many injuries and diseases potentially resulting in pain and limit range of motion.
In most cases, neck pain disappear with minimal maintenance for a period of weeks. However, some forms of neck pain require professional medical care, including prescription drugs, physical therapy and other treatments. In these cases the most extreme, surgery may be needed to treat neck pain.
The doctor should be contacted immediately if the neck pain associated with any of the following:
Severe pain caused by injury. Patients should always seek medical care after head or neck trauma such as whiplash or a blow on the head. Significant pain over the bone might indicate a fracture or injury to the ligaments.Shooting pain. Pain radiating from the shoulder and continuing through the shoulder blades or down the arm may indicate impact or nerve irritation. Numbness or tingling in the fingers also may indicate that irritation. Nerve irritation can last from three to six months or longer. Chest pain  that radiates (spreads) to the neck, arm or jaw may be caused by a heart attack.
Loss of strength. Weakness in the arm or leg (often evident when a sudden drop items, or walking with stiff legs or stagger) indicates the need for immediate evaluation.
Changes in the habits of urinating and defecating. Significant changes that may indicate a neurological problem. This is especially true of incontinence (inability to control the disposal of urine and feces).
Area-Area Other Related Pain In Neck Pain
In some cases, neck pain is probably the result of illness or injury to other parts of the body. Areas of the body that can affect the neck include the jaw, head and shoulders.
The conditions that cause pain in the neck and spread to other parts of the body including:
Headaches. Especially tension headaches can cause neck pain. Neck pain may remain alive after a migraine.
Radiculopathy. Pinched nerve, often resulting from a rupture disc (herniated disc). In addition to neck pain, patients may experience pain down the arm that is often described as feeling electrically (electric shock).
Spinal stenosis. The narrowing of the openings  around the spinal nerves (spinal cord) or nerve roots. The symptoms mimic those of a pinched nerve.
Spinal instability. Increased movement of the vertebrae that can cause tingling in the neck.
Facet joint arthropathy. Facet joint arthropathy (joint disease) usually occurs with whiplash or other neck injuries anything and can cause pain in the neck and headaches associated posterior.
There are also other conditions where the pain originated in other parts of the body and spreads to the neck, such as TMJ disease. Temporomandibular joint is dependent on the skull where the jaw. Diseases that affect these joints can cause neck pain. In some cases, neck pain can also trigger TMJ pain.
In addition to dental pain, headaches and back pain, neck pain can also be connected to several types of ear pain (eg, malignant external otitis), orofacial pain (eg carotodynia) or shoulder pain.Potential causes for Neck Pain
Neck pain can result from injuries (or abnormalities within) soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, intervertebral discs and the nerves, or bones and joints of the spine ( spine).
The neck is sensitive to pain for several reasons. The neck is designed to allow a broad restriction of movement. The beneficial aspects of the design of this neck is also the greatest sensitivity for interconnect structures of the neck exposed to damage from erosion associated with aging, arthritis and excessive stretching by whiplash.The sources of neck pain include:
* Muscle tensions. If the neck muscles are used in excess, it may contribute to muscle tension. The muscles in the back of the neck are especially sensitive and can be tightened by daily activities such as long hours of driving or reading in bed. Through time, a recurring tension in these muscles can lead to chronic pain. Lying on a bad posture for long periods of time is a common cause of neck muscle tensions.* Trauma. Because the neck is so flexible and support the weight of the head, he is sensitive to injury. Some injuries, especially those derived from automobile accidents, may result in whiplash, injuries that occur when the head forward and backward. This stretches or tears the soft tissues (like muscles and ligaments) of the neck, resulting in injury and pain. Serious injury can lead to fractures or dislocations of the neck, which may damage the spinal cord and cause paralysis. Also, injury can predispose facet joint arthropathy.* Arthritis. Neck joints tend to deteriorate with age, leading to arthritis. Patients with a history of whiplash is more likely to develop arthritis in the neck as they age. The forms of arthritis in the neck which may cause pain in the neck or elsewhere include:o Osteoarthritis. People occurs in older people caused by the erosion (consumption) of the joints between the bones of the neck. This causes the pain spread to the shoulder or between the shoulder blades. Pain is generally present at the beginning of the day, subsided during the day and then back again at the end of the day.o Rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic disease characterized by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility (movement) and deformity (deformity). He can cause the destruction of the joints of the neck.o Ankylosing spondylitis. This type of arthritis that primarily affects the spine. Typically it starts in the lower back but can progress to the upper back and neck.* Disease-disc disease. Just as the problems with the lumbar spine and thoracic spine can cause back pain, problems with the cervical spine can cause neck pain:o pinched nerve. When a person ages, the intervertebral discs which serve as cushions between the vertebrae of the spine begins to dry. This narrow spaces in the spinal column where the nerves come out, and put pressure on the spinal nerves.o degenerative disc disease. Discs deteriorate and press upon the nerves.o a rupture disc (Herniated disc). Intervertebral discs sometimes tear or rupture, which means a gelatinous center (such as agar-agar) protruding through a layer of solid discs.* Cervical stenosis. The narrowing of the spinal canal that pinning the bone marrow. When a person ages, the intervertebral discs begin to dry up, reducing their role as a shock absorber-absorber to protect the spinal cord (spinal cord). Degenerative changes in the vertebrae can also foster the growth of bone spurs are pressing the nerve roots. Finally, the bones and ligaments in the spine gradually thicken and become less flexible. All of these changes narrow the spinal canal.The symptoms associated with cervical stenosis include neck pain, numbness and weakness of the hands, inability to walk quickly, deterioration of motor skills are refined and muscle spasms in the legs.* Meningitis. Neck pain associated with headache and fever may be a sign of meningitis, an infection of the membranes surrounding the brain. Extreme stiffness in the neck that are difficult or impossible to touch your chin to the chest may be a sign of meningitis and requires prompt medical attention.* Encephalitis. Inflammation of the brain. Symptoms can include stiffness or back pain or neck.* Fibromyalgia. Chronic disease characterized by musculoskeletal aches, pain and stiffness, the sensitivity of soft tissues, fatigue and sleep disturbances. Neck pain is among the symptoms commonly associated with fibromyalgia.* Myofascial pain syndrome. Chronic musculoskeletal conditions are often associated with trauma, poor posture, sitting at a computer or doing repetitive tasks associated with a person's job. Patients often report feeling pain in various parts of the body including the neck and may have trouble sleeping or feel the break even sleep.* Polymyalgia rheumatica. Inflammatory condition typified by pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and hips.* Myositis. Group of conditions that inflamed muscle. Myositis typically overwrite areas near the trunk (torso), such as the neck, shoulders and hips.* Osteoporosis. Bone-thinning disease most common in women during and after menopause. There are no symptoms in early stages, but in later stages osteoporosis can cause fractures of the spine may cause back pain or neck.* Paget's Disease. Metabolic bone disease that involves bone destruction and regrowth that causes deformity (deformity). The cause of this disease is unknown, but it often results in neck pain.* Breast-large and heavy breasts. Women with large breasts often experience pain in your upper neck, which is usually caused by increased pressure on the muscles. Some choose to get surgery to reduce the size of the breasts and relieve neck pain, shoulder and back.* Other conditions. In rare cases, neck pain is the result of other medical illnesses such as cancer, infections or congenital anomalies (birth defects) of the vertebrae. Neck pain can also be a symptom of a heart attack.
Neck pain may also be caused by conditions that cause widespread joint pain, such as Lyme disease, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, sickle cell anemia or sarcoidosis.Commercial Tests Do For Neck Pain
Patients can often determine many cases of neck pain without having to find a doctor or undergo testing. In most cases, the pain will disappear in a few days or several weeks. If two weeks go by and the levels of pain does not improve, the physician should be consulted.
In diagnosing the source of neck pain, the doctor will review the patient's medical history and perform a physical examination. In some cases, doctors can diagnose the cause of neck pain and recommend treatment based on the answers to the assessment of pain or the questions that are not structured on the type, location and onset of pain. However, there are other events where additional testing may be necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.
These tests often include imaging tests (imaging tests). These techniques may reveal compression (pressure) on the nerve roots, narrowing of the roads out of the nerve roots and spinal cord and disc problems. Examples of techniques used to diagnose  neck pain include:
* X-rays. Uncovering the problems in the cervical vertebrae. The types of x-rays include:o myelography. X-ray images of the spinal cord after a dye is injected in the fluid around the spinal cord (spinal cord). This test can reveal if the protruding spinal disc or some other factor swarmed spine nerves and cause pain.o Discography. Special dye is injected into the spinal discs are expected to injured or otherwise damaged. Dye highlighting the damaged areas are expressed as x-rays taken. This procedure is often used in patients who are considering lumbar surgery or the pain has not responded to conventional treatments.o DEXA scan. Measurement of bone density is a routine screening test for osteoporosis.* MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Allow evaluation of the spinal cord and nerve roots.* CAT scan (computed axial tomography). Permit the evaluation of bone and spinal canal.* Radionuclide bone scan or other imaging. The tests that use radioactive tracers-tracers to highlight the internal structure structure.* Electromyography (EMG). Tests that evaluate the electrical activity in nerves and muscles, helps reveal the damage.
In some cases, physicians may refer patients to specialists of the spine (spine), orthopedist or pain specialist if surgery is not an option (choice) or the patient has refused surgery.
Research has shown that MRI or CAT scan may not come across the facet joint arthropathy, and that the most sensitive test to detect it is a diagnostic injections by pain specialists.
Exemption Options For Neck Pain
In most cases, neck pain respond well to efforts to treat patients at home. Drug-free anti-inflammatory prescription medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve inflammation and pain. Analgesic, analgesics such as acetaminophen relieve pain but does not reduce inflammation.
Ice (cryotherapy) may also help reduce inflammation. He must application for 15 to 20 minutes, with 40 minutes between applications. Ice should not be directly applied to the skin but should be wrapped in a towel, ice packs or other obstacles. Thermal treatments and water (thermotherapy and hydrotherapy) may also be used to relax the muscles of the lesions (eg, a hot compress, heating pad or hot shower). However, in some cases heat can exacerbate inflammation, so it should be used with caution.
If the treatments themselves do not begin to eliminate neck pain within two weeks, prescription drugs or interventions may need medical pain control. This may include:
* Physical therapy. Care where a physical therapist will design and execute therapeutic stretching and strengthening exercises that increase the support structures of the cervical spine. In many cases, such therapy alone is sufficient to relieve neck pain. The therapist may also use modalities (how something is done) such as hot packs, therapeutic ultrasound or electrical therapy to relieve pain and maximize the movement restrictions. Patients can be instructed to use transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) at home.* Therapeutic manipulation. Experts such as chiropractors, osteopaths or massage therapist may offer liberation.* Drug-drug. Prescription pain medications have many of the effects of anti-inflammation and relieve pain the same as prescription drugs are free, but offer them in doses more powerful. However, some are available only by prescription. Examples of these medications include:o Opioids. Prescribed to control acute and chronic pain is severe, these medications should be used only under the strict supervision of physicians, because they can have many side effects, including drowsiness, reduced reaction time, impaired decision, depression and addiction.o Antidepressants. Some antidepressants can relieve pain and aid sleep.* Therapeutic injections. A number of injections, including epidurals, facet joint injections and nerve barriers, are available for patients who do not want surgery. These injections are usually do by pain specialists who are trained in the neck area.* Immobilization (disablement) short-term. A soft neck collar can be worn for a period of time. It supports the spine, reduces mobility and reduce pain and irritation while allowing the neck muscles to relax when they heal.* Traction. Cervical traction tool attached to the head and using weights-weights and pulley (pulley) to pull the head. This framework is designed to attract structure neck into alignment (straightness) the better. He is especially useful in treating nerve root irritation, and pain relief may last for hours or days. Traction may be used in cases of an unstable spine, or vertebral fractures but not commonly done.Other treatment methods that doctors may recommend include cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic neck pain or complementary treatments (complementary) and alternatives such as acupuncture, acupressure, or biofeedback. If noninvasive methods fail, the options (choices) may include:
* Cervical spine surgery. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to treat neck pain. He is most often used to relieve pressure from nerve roots or spinal cord (spinal cord) caused by a rupture disc (herniated disc) or narrowing of the bones of the spinal canal. Operations also may be needed to stabilize the neck and minimize the possibility of paralysis after injury. Operating options including:o Anterior cervical discectomy. The most common surgical procedure used to relieve neck pain caused by pressure on one or more nerve roots or the spinal cord (spinal cord). This procedure enlarging the opening of nerves and spinal discs issued are troublesome. Bone spurs are pressing bags spine or nerve roots are also excluded.o Cervical corpectomy. A more extensive version of anterior cervical discectomy, it involves the expenditure of the vertebrae and discs. The risks are slightly higher with this procedure and include damage to the nerve roots and spinal cord, bleeding, infection, damage to the trachea or esophagus, and paralysis.o Posterior hemi-laminectomy. The operation is performed through a vertical incision on the back of the neck where the bones around the spinal cord or nerve openings removed. Ligaments that attach the bag to exert pressure on the spine and nerve roots are also excluded.o Spinal fusion. This procedure will reduce the restriction in neck movement.o Verebroplasty or kyphoplasty. These procedures may use for compression fractures caused by steoporosis.
Recent studies suggest that injections of botulinum toxin type A, a popular method of fighting wrinkles, may ease chronic neck pain and other pain conditions ranging from migraines to tennis elbow to back pain.
Treatment by a physician or other health professionals likely to proceed in three phases. Initially, treatment will focus on reducing pain and inflammation. The second phase concentrated on advancing the increased strength and flexibility of networks. The final phase involves the exercise and lifestyle techniques that will help patients maintain strength and flexibility is to minimize the risk of neck pain episodes future.
Prevention Methods For Neck Pain
The main source of neck pain - poor posture - can be easily rectified (corrected). Proper posture involves maintaining the neck in a neutral position with the head backward, so he concentrated on the spine. It works with gravity to keep the neck rather than fight it. Also it is important to avoid menggertakan teeth, which can put strain on the neck muscles.Steps that can be taken to improve posture and ergonomics including:
* Take breaks often. People who are driving long-distance or working on the computer for hours is likely to suffer from neck muscles are tensed. Taking breaks from these activities can provide opportunities neck muscles to relax.* Sit with right. The chairs and tables in the workplace should be adjusted so that computer monitors are at eye level and the knees slightly lower than the hips. The chairs should also have the hands of the chair. The people who sit for long periods of time in the car to put a small pillow or rolled-up towel between the neck and the headrest. This maintains the natural curve of the neck.* Avoid the phone tucked between ear and shoulder. People who often use the phone must use a headset instead.* Stretch frequently and exercise. The muscles of the neck may be stretched by lift the shoulders (the shoulders) up and down. Also helping to pull shoulder blades together and then relax. Pulling the shoulders down while leaning his head on each side can also stretch the muscles of the neck. Walking causes the spine spins, which provides an excellent workout for the muscles of the neck.* Balancing basis. Stretching the muscles of the chest wall and strengthening the muscles around the automatic shoulder blade and back of the shoulder can promote a balanced base of support for the neck.* Avoid sleeping on the stomach. Sleeping on the stomach to put pressure on the neck. Clear-cushion should be chosen that support the natural curve of the neck.* Do not read in bed. This causes neck strain, especially when propped up on a pillow with the neck bent forward and arms issued to hold the book. People who can not submit a reading in bed pillow wedge should buy or mini table that can be taken that are designed to read in bed.* Keep your weight evenly distributed. Do not carry the goods on one shoulder for too long. If possible, take the items in the backpack, which distributes the weight evenly. However, do not impose too heavy backpack.* Use the techniques of proper lifting. Lift from the knees, not the waist, to protect both the neck and lower back. When lifting heavy objects, keep your back flat and close to the body burden. Do not twist your back when lifting. If heavy or awkward objects, do not lift it without assistance partners.
In addition, neck injuries can be prevented by taking precautionary measures in situations where vulnerability neck. This may include wearing seat belts (safety belts) when driving or riding a motorbike, wear protective equipment when playing sports, and be careful to not dive in shallow waters when swimming.
Questions For Your Doctor Regarding Neck Pain
Prepare questions in advance can help patients have discussions more meaningful with their doctors regarding their conditions. Patients may want to ask the doctor the following questions about neck pain:
1. What can be causing my neck pain?2. What tests may be required to seek the source of neck pain (neck pain) I?3. Involves what these tests? Should I do anything to prepare? Where and when I would have them?4. The results of my tests showed what - what the source of my neck pain?5. Is the neck pain I probably lasted a short or chronic?6. Is it possible that conditions in other parts of my body causing pain in my neck?7. Treatment choices I what?8. If treatments are not invasive did not work, will I need surgery to treat my neck pain?9. How can I keep the neck pain of recurrence?10. Are there exercises and certain activities that I should do or avoid?11. Is there something I can do to prevent neck pain?

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